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Proxy Form

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If you are a CLOK member, you can use this form to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf during the CLOK AGM on Thursday 15‑Oct‑2020.

I, , being a member of Cleveland Orienteering Klub (CLOK), hereby appoint as my proxy to represent me and to vote on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 15‑Oct‑2020.

Email address:       Important: See note 1 below.
Verification code:  

1.  Put your own name in the first box and the name of the person you are appointing as your proxy in the second box.  You should have received an email with your verification code.  The Email address needs to match the email address to which that email was sent.
2. If the CLOK membership records indicate that two or more members of your family share the same email address, the same verification code will work for each person who shares that email address.
3. Your proxy can only vote on your behalf if he or she attends the AGM on 15th October.  The attendance will, of course, be via Zoom.
4. You can appoint any CLOK member as your proxy, but we suggest either the Chair of the meeting, Caroline Mackenzie, or the CLOK Secretary, John Green.

You can let your proxy know how you would like him or her to vote on your behalf, but please note that your proxy will be free to use their discretion on how they vote (or abstain) on your behalf.

There are likely to be votes on the following subjects:-

  • Approval of the 2019-20 accounts.
  • Membership fees for the coming year.
  • Event entry fees.
  • Election of Officers and Committee Members.
  • Appointment of the Independent Examiner.
  • Club Development Officer project.
6. If you have any questions about this proxy appointment form, or if you run into any problems with using it, please contact the CLOK webmaster.